Fallout 4 unique plasma rifle
Fallout 4 unique plasma rifle

fallout 4 unique plasma rifle

This unique plasma gun is tailored for close combat against super mutants. The AX90 Fury is a modified variant of the regular urban plasma rifle, designed for long range elimination of mutants. With significantly advanced factions tinkering with the design post Armageddon. Prior to the nuclear Armageddon REPCONN Aerospace – as a subsidiary of RobCo Industries – would successfully develop an improvement from their spaceflight research. This however was not the end of the design nor manufacture of this weapon platform. This design was produced and fielded in number prior to the Great War of October 23, 2077. 3.This plasma rifle is a lightweight urban warfare weapon created as part of a desire to replace the aging Winchester P94 "Plasma Caster" design.

fallout 4 unique plasma rifle

Sadly there is no way to get inside the ship so you will have to wait till Fallout 3’s DLC Mothership Zeta to actually explore one. The crashed flying saucer is a reoccurring easter egg in the Fallout series. This whole encounter is an easter egg! The spaceship itself even says “Property of Area 51, return if found” on it.

fallout 4 unique plasma rifle

One will be carrying their alien blaster and the other will have the Velvet Elvis, a painting of the rock and roll man himself. If you get this special encounter, you will see a crashed flying saucer on your screen and two dead aliens. Your luck does some have an effect on whether or not you will get this special encounter – or any special encounter! You’ll know it if you get one of these special encounters because a “target” icon will appear instead of the usual lightning bolt. How do you get this amazing blaster? It is gotten from the dead body of an alien in a random event that occurs on desert squares on the world map. A perfect critical hit to the eyes will do 360 points of damage! It can kill anything (except the final boss) in one hit! We’re not done yet, it also has the highest possible single-shot damage. It also has the second-highest ammunition capacity of all single-shot weapons in Fallout with the ability to hold 30 small energy cells. This weapon has the highest damage-per-action point of all the single-shot weapons in Fallout. The only other truly unique weapon on this list, the alien blaster is perhaps one of the most iconic unique weapons in Fallout and the rest of the Fallout series.

Fallout 4 unique plasma rifle