With the desk complete, go back to the Reactor room and flip the marked switch. Vault 88 has all the components you need in case you don’t have them already. Once the area is secure, you need to build the Overseer’s desk using the Workshop menu. How to Complete: Follow the Overseer and clear the enemies, kill all marked enemies at Overseer’s requests.
Objective: Follow the Overseer, kill the feral Ghouls, talk to the Overseer, Build the Vault 88 Overseer’s desk, Return to the Overseer, turn on the Vault 88 Radion Beacon, explore Vault 88, help the Overseer interview candidates, take to the Overseer.
Now use the Workshop menu to clear the rubble. Use the control board to take control of the Workshop. Kill the Ghoul and claim Vault-Tech Control Board. Follow the marker into the reactor room and find Chief Anderson. One of the survivors is trapped in the rubble, takes control of the nearby Workshop to clear the rubble. When you reach the Security Office, access the terminal and list the lockdown. Go to the accessible area and clear the Ghouls by following the quest marker. 7.How to Complete: Vault 88 is in lockdown due to a Raider attack. There's a lot here, and the description offers a brief rundown of how to find and use it all.

That really goes for every mod, but it's especially true for Snap'n Build. We'd recommend reading through the mod description before you install this one. Snap'n Build won't give you an easier time, but it does offer more options for those who really want to customize the look of their post-apocalyptic wasteland. It's not the easiest mod to get a handle on, but the same could be said for Fallout 4's Workshop tools in general. It adds a new selection to the "Structures" tab in Workshop mode that gives you access to a variety of architectural styles - including standard residential homes, bunkers, capsule-style dwellings and industrial buildings. The only problem is the selection of buildable structures, which is a little thin. Fallout 4 introduces the concept of player-owned settlements, giving you the ability to build anything from crafting stations and basic goods to full-blown dwellings.